NEC orchestrating a brighter world
NEC Laboratories Europe

Human-Centric AI
Sébastien Nicolas

Senior Software Engineer

Group Involvement, NEC Laboratories Europe

Human-Centric AI

Research Interests

  • Automated Machine Learning
  • Timeseries Forecasting
  • Audio/Video Analysis


  • Mischa Schmidt, Julia Gastinger, Sebastien Nicolas, Anett Schülke: HAMLET - A Learning Curve-Enabled Multi-Armed Bandit for Algorithm Selection. IJCNN, 2020; DBLP:
  • Schmidt, M., Safarani, S., Gastinger, J., Jacobs, T., Nicolas, S., & Schülke, A. (2019, July). On the Performance of Differential Evolution for Hyperparameter Tuning. In 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2019) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Singh, P., Jacobs, T., Nicolas, S., & Schmidt, M. (2019). A study of the learning progress in neural architecture search techniques. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07590.
  • Jacobs, T., Nicolas, S., Noh, T. G., Schuelke, A., Auer, H., Schwabeneder, D., ... & Terreros, O. (2018). Case Studies of Energy Grid Hybridization in a Northern European City. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10(3), 1362-1369.
  • Widl, E., Jacobs, T., Schwabeneder, D., Nicolas, S., Basciotti, D., Henein, S., ... & Auer, H. (2018). Studying the potential of multi-carrier energy distribution grids: A holistic approach. Energy, 153, 519-529.
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