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Dr. Luis Moreira-Matias

Dr. Luis Moreira-Matias

Director of Data and Machine Learning Engineering



Luis Moreira-Matias received his M.Sc. degree in Informatics Engineering and Ph.D. in Computer Science (major in Machine Learning) from the University of Porto, Portugal, in 2009 and 2015 respectively. During his studies, he won an International Data Mining competition held in 2012 during a Research Summer School at Technische Universität Dortmund (TU Dortmund).

Luis served both on Program Committees and as guest reviewer of multiple, high-impact research conferences such as ECML PKDD (6 yrs.), AAAI (2 yrs.) and among others KDD, IEEE TKDE, ESWA, and KAIS. In 2015, he chaired the ECML 2015 Discovery Challenge – the largest mobility Data Mining Kaggle competition ever (at the time) with 700 contestants.

From 2014-2018, Luis led AI-based research at NEC Laboratories Europe in Heidelberg, Germany, where he helped contribute to closing technical gaps in applying machine learning (ML) at scale to different business verticals such as transportation, retail and finance in the EMEA and APAC regions. From 2018-2022, Luis was Head of Data Science with Monedo (formally Kreditech, Hamburg, Germany) and later on with Finiata (Berlin, Germany) – where he was also part of ExCo. His departments were responsible for the end-to-end development ML-based engines (credit scoring, pricing and limits) for offer personalization in lending (both B2B and B2C). These engines were responsible for acquiring four million customers and lending US$700 million dollars across multiple countries without human involvement. Currently, he is Director of Data and Machine Learning Engineering at Sennder (Berlin, Germany) – Europe’s #1 digital freight-forwarder platform for Full Truck Loads. At Sennder, Luis’s department encloses several teams working on data engineering, business intelligence and reporting, advanced analytics and ML-based products.

Academically, Luis has authored over 50 high-impact, peer-reviewed publications on topics related to Artificial Intelligence, and has been granted four patents in this area. His research interests include automated machine learning, data mining and predictive analytics in general. During his career, Luis has been invited to share his career experiences by delivering more than 15 different keynote presentations around the globe, in locations ranging from Brisbane, Australia, to Las Palmas in Spain.



Selected Highlights: Media Appearances, Nominations and Awards

• 2012: 1st Prize on the Data Mining Competition of the International Summer School of Resource-Aware Machine Learning
• 2018: Interview to IEEE Spectrum about BRIGHT - NEC’s predictive analytics engine able to learn from non-stationary distributions and their applications to the car-hailing industry
• 2019: "AI & Big Data in Banking - If Not Now, then When?", Interview to Intellias
• 2019: "Data Science NOW! (...and other not so deep thoughts about AI...)" keynote during IT Arena in Lviv, Ukraine @ September 2019
• 2020: George N. Saridis Best IEEE Transactions on ITS Paper Award (2016 vintage)
• 2020-current: Senior Committee Member (ECML/PKDD)
• 2021-current: Steering Committee Member (Industry Liaison) – ECML/PKDD


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