Research Scientist
Group Involvement, NEC Laboratories Europe
AI Innovation Group
Data Science and Platform Division
Research Interests
GraphAI, Temporal Graphs
Automated Machine Learning
Machine Learning
- Julia Gastinger, Sébastien Nicolas, Dusica Stepić, Mischa Schmidt, Anett Schülke: A study on Ensemble Learning for Time Series Forecasting and the need for Meta-Learning. IJCNN, 2021;
- Julia Gastinger, Daniel Mueller, Alexander Hildebrandt, Oliver Sawodny: Pose Estimation and Tracking Control of a Pneumatic Soft Robotic Hand. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 9962-9967, 2020;
- Mischa Schmidt, Julia Gastinger, Sebastien Nicolas, Anett Schülke: HAMLET - A Learning Curve-Enabled Multi-Armed Bandit for Algorithm Selection. IJCNN, 2020; DBLP:
- Mischa Schmidt, Shahd Safarani, Julia Gastinger, Tobias Jacobs, Sebastien Nicolas, Anett Schülke: On the Performance of Differential Evolution for Hyperparameter Tuning. IJCNN, 2019; DBLP: